TV Lighting for Creative Professionals Singapore Media Academy
Price: SGD 1,819

    Course details

    Contrast - TV camera sees the world differently from our eyes. What our eyes can see is not usually seen by the TV camera if the scene contains large amount of contrast range. It either can see the brighter portion or the darker one and not both.

    From 2D to 3D - All objects around us are of 3D. However, TV screen, film and print are all of 2D only. The job of TV lighting is to create the 3rd dimension so that objects will appear as 3D images on a 2D screen.

    After the course, participants will have a basic knowledge of TV production. The course also includes a practical session on costumes and set/props with various contrast ranges.


    • Lighting for 2-Way Interview
    • Lighting a Presenter
    • Scenic Design and TV Lighting
    • HD TV and HD Lighting


    Producer, Director, Set Designer, Costume Designer, Makeup Artiste

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Singapore Media Academy

    At Singapore Media Academy, we aim to create a lifelong learning culture that continuously seek new innovation and challenges to the methods and ways of doing things: to cultivate our participants’ ability for lateral thinking in a conducive environment for fruitful exchange of ideas and applications, to provide opportunities for critical studies that will prepare participants with relevant applied knowledge in their engagement with their professional practice, and to instill in our participants with a global and multi-cultural perspective.

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