Course details

The course is designed for teachers of English in schools within or outside the European Union with the aim of developing their English language awarness and teaching skills as well as heightening their awareness of Irish education and culture. The course can also be participated in by teachers from outside the EU as the areas covered are very beneficial to all teachers of English worldwide

The next courses will take place. This course is open to the general public, however if you are part of a group of teachers or trainee teachers, we can offer closed group courses.

  • To activate, develop and sustain their language and language skills, in order to use them in a meaningful way to use practical activities to develop their learners' language skills communicatively
  • To plan and prepare lessons using a variety of materials and techniques with lexical, functional, phonological and skills-based objectives
  • To evaluate their own and others' lesson plans
  • To demonstrate that they can manage the classroom by setting up and overseeing activities, pair and group work in order to facilitate the learning.
  • To use basic concepts for the analysis and description of language and language use in the classroom and apply this knowledge to planning and teaching.
  • To use a range of appropriate activities and techniques to enhance all aspects of learners’ English
  • To become more familiar with the European framework and create & evaluate their own materials from authentic Irish sources to use in future classes
  • To improve their skill in monitoring and evaluating learning

Course Outline

There are to be three components to the course. A pre-course distance learning programme One or two weeks of face-to-face contact – inputs, workshops and visits – sample timetable attached An end of course project to be completed when they return to their home country

  • Pre-course study
  • Face-to-face contact sessions
  • Post-course task
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Atlantic School of English & Active Leisure

they believe expert tuition in small groups, combined with an exciting leisure programme that stimulates the mind and body, sets the tone for a successful and pleasurable learning experience.their students build great confidence in using English. Thanks to the hands-on, relaxed approach of their teachers here in Schull, students' progress isn't limited to just the classroom setting; they give more effective presentations, deal better with clients and counterparts on the phone & by email, and feel more confident communicating in English at work and socially following their experience here. Even shy students will enjoy the experience of living with a host family, as often there will be other people of a similar age group in the household where they stay. their teachers accompany students on leisure outings, so new language is reinforced even while out having fun.

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