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Clanwilliam Institute has now developed a Training in Supervision Programme (New TISP) to fit with the NEW criteria for Supervisors passed by the FTAI Executive in April 2010. It is anticipated that having completed this programme Supervisors-in-Training (SITs) will have completed all of the FTAI criteria in not less than a period and not more than 18 months. Graduates of New TISP will then be eligible to apply to FTAI to be accepted for inclusion on the Register of Supervisors

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Clanwilliam Institute

Clanwilliam Institute is a registered charity (CHY6591) committed to making psychotherapy services accessible to all.
The Clanwilliam Institute was established in 1982 as a centre for systemic therapy and practice in Ireland. Its founding members theyre Angela Walsh, Declan Roche, Dr Ed Mc Hale and Phillip Kearney. It quickly gained a reputation for excellence due mostly to its commitment to continued professional development, high quality clinical standards and its ethos and values.
Over the years Clanwilliam Institute has developed a highly reputable academic and professional training ctheirse for family therapists, accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland, the Family Therapy Association of Ireland, (the governing and registration body of family therapists in Ireland) and the European Association for Psychotherapy which is the registration body for psychotherapists across Europe.
It has initiated a variety of services including Individual, Couple and Family Therapy, Mediation, Organisational Consultation and Professional Training for systemic practitioners.
The Institute is staffed by experienced professional therapists all of whom have undertaken post-graduate training and are registered with the Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP), the Family Therapy Association or Ireland (FTAI) and the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP).
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