Course details

QQI (formerly FETAC) launched this award to strengthen and expand the Train the Trainer certificate (which is discontinued from Jan 2015). It comprises two separate level 6 component certificates.

  • Training Needs Identification, and Course Design 6N3325
  • Training Delivery and Evaluation 6N3326

Who the Programme is for

These certificates will enable people to apply for a variety of roles in the workplace, and/or take up self-employment as an independent trainer.

  • The Training Delivery and Evaluation Certificate enables people with a specific subject area expertise to apply for work as a training provider
  • The Training Needs Identification and Course Design Certificate enables people to apply for Training Coordinator, and Team Leader roles in the workplace, and to prepare professional training resource packs for distribution to learners and for trainer use when training others
  • The Training and Development Special Purpose Award is available to graduates who complete both of the above certificates. This is fast becoming the new entry level for those who want to train others, and/or apply for roles in the coordination of training in the workplace

Course Overview

Training Needs Identification, and Course Design Certificate

  • How training and development is organised in organisations, the annual cycle of activities, differentiate between induction, procedural training, coaching, mentoring, teamwork,
  • Work with others in the organisation to identify training needs and agree training objectives
  • Create a training course outline to meet training objectives
  • Develop a resource pack for trainer/learners to include print, software and online content

Graduates of the programme can utilise the training resource pack they develop in this module when they transfer / progress to Training Delivery and Evaluation

Training Delivery and Evaluation Certificate

  • How do adults like to learn - review the authors on this, utilise these standards in own work
  • Prepare for delivery of a short lesson – utilising the resource pack prepared above
  • Trainer communication skills and learning facilitation skill (practice sessions + feedback)
  • How to check the learning and conduct an evaluation of cost and benefits of the training


Assessment is on a continuous basis. Learners are required to prepare assignments and deliver a skill demonstration, using own notes and the guidelines provided. There is no exam.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About MDA Consult Learning Solutions

Margaret Daly set up We_They Consult in 2000, bringing management experience from industry, and experience as a training provider/coach with leading Irish and multinational organisations at senior, middle management and supervisory levels.

Marie Cooney, a corporate accountant joined the company in 2002 and manages our finance and business acumen training courses. Margaret McInerney, a practising HRM manager provides a range of HRM training courses as well as career guidance training.

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