Train the Trainer 3 HPSU Skillnet
Price: AED 4,532
  • Duration: 4 Days

Course details

This course is FETAC Level 6 approved. The aim of this course is to to improve your training and presentation skills and techniques in the areas of course design, development and delivery

Course Content: 

Day 1

Course Introduction & Programme Plan

Module 1:

  • Training theories
  • Concepts of training and education
  • Key principles and methodologies of adult learning
  • State the different ways people learn and what motivates this learning

Day 2

Module 2:

  • Equality & persity In training
  • Responsibilities of the trainer
  • Define equality and persity
  • Relevant equality legislation

Module 3:

  • Training needs analysis & training course objectives
  • Identify and analyse training needs
  • Develop objectives to ensure the training course is effective for learners

Day 3

Module 4:

  • Training design, delivery and evaluation
  • Develop a training session
  • Plan the design, structure and delivery of a training course
  • Use of visual aids for the training session (i.e. overhead, power-point slides, flip-charts)
  • Evaluate a training course
  • Evaluate learner progress against learning objectives
  • Gather input from learners on course effectiveness
  • Identify opportunities for improvement of delivery

Day 4

Module 5:

  • Communication skills
  • Establish, promote and maintain a positive learning culture
  • Dealing with "pre-performance" nerves
  • Conduct practice session for skills demonstration assessment

Learning Outcomes: 

Ability to deliver, assess and evaluate and deliver training courses

Course Assessment: 

Skills demonstration - To be completed in the form of a 20 minute presentation by each candidate

Learner record - To be completed in line with the brief provided and submitted by each candidate within 2 weeks of completing the course

Project - To be completed in line with the brief provided

Course Requirements: 

This course would be beneficial to people who wish to design, deliver, assess and evaluate their own training courses

Updated on 27 December, 2017
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