Course details

When asked, “What’s the most stressful part of your job?”, many managers will say that it is the difficult conversations they are required to have with their staff. These conversations are becoming more commonplace as managers deal with performance issues, seek to implement change or try to handle conflict at work.


Role of the manager/leadership

  • Managing v leadership
  • Leadership characteristics
  • Your management style
  • The manager as a coach
  • Motivation

Employee performance

  • Performance management
  • Giving feedback
  • Recognising progress
  • Managing poor performance
  • Rewarding performance
  • Setting goals and targets
  • Performance improvement & development planning

Difficult conversation

  • Communication skill
  • Barriers to communication
  • Listening
  • Setting the tone
  • Gathering evidence
  • Considering explanations

Building personal resilience

  • Assertiveness
  • Coping strategies
  • Managing conflict
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Health Management Institute of Ireland

The Health Management Institute of Ireland (HMI) is the professional body for healthcare managers across all sectors of the health service in the Republic of Ireland. The HMI is dedicated to meeting the needs of the modern healthcare manager by providing its members with up-to-date and relevant information; training and professional development services; and networking opportunities.


As a professional body for managers, the HMI is at the forefront of informing and educating Irish health service managers and providing opportunities for information exchange.


Their high quality and innovative training, education and eLearning interventions are aimed at building the competence and confidence of health service managers and staff. They offer a wide range of programmes and training related services.


The activities of the HMI are focused on the inclusion and involvement of all Their members. Their regional structure and associated events and regular Forum for Manager series enable local engagement and networking opportunities among Their members. 

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