Udemy Time Management is not about Time: Change your Style Now! Udemy
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    How To Manage Your Time Based on Your Personality

    Most time management books or courses present generic or one-size-fits-all methods for facilitating the process of managing time. But similar to going on a diet or starting a new exercise regimen, these methods work for only a short period of time; for the majority of people these approaches are impossible to maintain long term.  In fact, you've probably even considered the possibility that maybe it's you. Maybe you are the failure. Maybe you are simply destined to be terrible at managing time, prioritizing your tasks and completing your projects.  Maybe you should give up now. Or maybe the problem with time management techniques is something you never even suspected.

    It's understandable that you'd feel discouraged with all that you've tried before. The reason that you feel like such a failure is NOT because you are inherently flawed. It's NOT because you are permanently disorganized or a poor manager of your time.  It's NOT because there is anything wrong with you at all. The reason that you haven't been successful thus far is simply because time management is NOT a one-size-fits-all situation. What is drastically successful for one person is not necessarily a maintainable process for another person.  Yet most self-help books and courses treat time management as though it is. 

    It's NOT About Time: It's About You and How Your Personal Time Management Style Determines How You Work Best is the course that will transform how you view yourself and your habits in this results-focused world.

    Goals of the Course

    • Find Out Your Unique Time Management Style
    There are 6 distinct time management styles that we've discovered from research and interviews. In this course, you'll find out which style or styles most directly resembles you and your approach to life. 

    • Learn How and What to Prioritize Based On Your Style
    It's simply not enough to just accomplish everything on your to do list. True and effective time management means that you are getting things done AND achieving the best results. In this course, you will learn how to implement the techniques that are best for you, in order to be effective in planning your day to day errands.

    • Melt Away Stress As You Become More Efficient
    Get rid of the cliché tenets of time management that you've been taught and replace them real, tangible techniques that make sense for you.   
    Identifying your specific style could lead to drastic Improvements.
    If you are struggling to know what causes your day to day stress and exhaustion, it could be that you're constantly doing what works for other personality types and not what will work for you. That means endless failure and disappointment, amidst a string of incomplete tasks.

    • Excel in at what you're good at
    In this course, we'll go over what professions, environments and learning situations work best for each individual. Once you are armed with this knowledge, you'll have a better sense of what conditions are conducive to working your best.

    How will you benefit from this course?

    After moving through this course, you will be able to identify the best style based on your personality to help you become productive.  You will realize that you can complete tasks and chores with minimal stress and enjoy your day when you use the right strategies for your unique mindset.[The most important thing to remember is that everyone is different, and it is not a shortcoming if you've struggled with Time Management practices up until now. The biggest challenge to managing your time most effectively is discovering what your natural tendencies are. Once you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, you become better equipped to manage your time and projects in a way that works FOR you, not AGAINST you. 
    Also you should never look at your Time Management type as a crutch or excuse. It's not our intent to say that "well since I'm a (fill in type here), I can't do or am no good at (fill in type of task). Rather knowing your type will give you the insight and resources you need to overcome your struggles in the best possible way. 
    No longer is there one tried and true way everyone should adopt in order to best manage their time. Those who say that there is only one method to do something, is misleading you. That's what led to your previous failures. Because there is not one solution for everyone. The time management practices that will ultimately work for you are based on natural predispositions. These are things you cannot change. And these barometers are not meant to function as excuses; instead they are meant to help show you the way and to highlight the path that is best for you. 
    We sincerely hope that the insight we've provided has been helpful to you, and has gotten you thinking about what works best for you. The world needs a little bit of everyone. We need Jugglers, Strategists, Visionaries, Purists, Instinctives and Minimizers equally. The world doesn't need people trying to force themselves to work as if they were something else. The balance of all these Time Management types will make the world a better place.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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