Course details


  • Consumer insights based on 12+ years of research on youth & technology
  • Key presentations on Social Customer, their behavior and how they communicate, both online & offline
  • Interviews with leading marketing practitioners, from Monster Energy to Threadless

Why take this course?

Marketing can be a challenge in the era of social media.

Today's Millennial Customer is the Social Customer - motivated by social needs and equipped with the technology to fulfill these needs.

Understanding today's young customer and growing a brand using yesterday's mindset won't help you answer the key issues facing marketers today:

  • How do you acquire new buyers when the Social Customer ignore 95% of all marketing?
  • How do you create loyalty and satisfaction when the alternative is just a click away?

Avoid the mistakes that could cost the company millions and cost you your reputation.

  • There's so much data and advice out there but what should I pay attention to?
  • Which brand case studies should I learn from?
  • What skills do I need to be a successful marketer in the era of the Social Customer?

Important note:

This course is structured to follow book Youth Buyology: Secrets of the Social Generation

Updated on 30 December, 2017
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