Udemy The Quick French Vocabulary Guide For Busy Beginners: Part 1 Udemy
Price: AED 73

    Course details

    Come with me on a journey to quick mastery of more than 175 French vocabulary video lectures… in less than 6 hours!

    Over 5,000 followers on Youtube have already provided excellent feedback on my direct teaching method of French and about 800 Facebook fans and 2,500 Yahoo Group members have trusted my online teaching platforms since 2007 to quickly boost their French skills.

    Have you heard of my French vocabulary "Quick-Learning Secrets"?

    For many years, I've been working hard every day online to help students acquire FASTER LEARNING SKILLS IN FRENCH and become more efficient, because it can save them a lot of time and tons of money.

    French, like any other language, evolves in a context-based system. To be really good at it, a student must be able to learn the words and phrases that really matter, and ask relevant questions or give practical answers to request or give information needed. So I started to experiment with what REALLY works and develop a curriculum that will cut the learning time in more than half.

    My experiments have really paid off both offline in my regular University French courses and online where thousands of French learners have entrusted me with their French studies. You can check for yourself these excellent feedbacks on my Youtube channel "Frenchtastic1" or the comments left by my own students at the RateMyProfessor web site. I am now revealing these methods here on Udemy for the first time.

    A student enrolled in my French vocabulary lesson now spends ONLY 10-15 minutes or less of video learning time TO COVER A COMPLETE MODULE! That's about 1 or 2 minutes for each video tutorial, which will save you many hours or days and even weeks of study time if you were enrolled in a traditional French course.

    Each one of my vocabulary lesson has been trimmed down to its core --- I only kept the most essential words and sentences you have to know to pass the introductory level.

    Students enrolled in my French courses are more likely to remain (self-) engaged and have a higher word retention rate than others who go through lengthy textbooks and superfluous content material.

    So, I know this quick teaching method works - especially for those who just can't afford the time and money to enroll in the *typical* costly French vocabulary classes, which, as experience has amply shown, tend to be a poor investment - (a study showed that more than 80% of regular college students taking a 4 semester French class could not use or even remember more than ¼ of what they had learned the previous months.)

    Every single French word or expression which I teach in this course is easy to put into real-life situations and even easier to apply in seconds in French dialogs - That's instant satisfaction right there.

    Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know in the simplest format possible ... and as I discover even more useful French expressions you can use (or if the students suggest new words they need to know), I will gladly add them to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow.

    As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 5 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy course on French vocabulary and have been missing out on this fabulous learning opportunity.

    What this course is not:

    I do not cover "extra" items that can be complementary but non-essential to a particular module. These can be obtained in any French class you take or textbook you purchase (or I may create another course for these additional items if time and interest are shown by many students). What I present you here are concrete and practical French terms that you can use in SPECIFIC real-life situations.

    I will not "look at your essay or paper" Doing this for hundreds or thousands or online students will seriously cripple my productivity and divert attention to more pressing questions other students have regarding this vocabulary course. This course teaches you to be resourceful and to have a "Less Is More" attitude when it comes to French learning. The French words and phrases presented here are the most common and practical French people themselves use in the situations portrayed in each module. It is up to you to learn how to conjugate the verbs used here and apply them in your particular sentences.

    I won't teach you anything explicitly sexist, racist, or religiously insensitive or anything that in any way breaks Udemy's terms, rules, conditions etc, whether they are written or implied - I value my Udemy earnings too much!

    This course is not backed or produced by Udemy - it's all my own work ... but the excellent Udemy staff are there to help you, too, of course!

    But, if you want my personal "insider" information - remember I'm in the business of helping students online quickly build their French skills in no time from absolute beginners to full-fledged, accomplished learners. I dedicate almost all of my working hours doing just that and I became extremely good at it. If you want to cover quickly but extensively French vocabulary topic and save yourself the drama, money or time issues, you therefore need this course right now …right this minute

    Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you money and time ... and you won't be speaking French anytime soon by waiting longer.

    Enroll now!

    Updated on 26 April, 2015
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