Course details

This course is for you if you've not got a website, but know you should have one - or you have a website but know it no longer meets your business goals. You're likely to be a creative entrepreneur or a small business owner, who would not describe themselves as especially 'techie'. You'll be making an entry-level site which you can upgrade later.

As you travel through the course, you'll have a workbook to fill in and lots of practical exercises. To save your time, you'll be given formats to choose the best content for your customers and to create interesting content, however 'unsexy' your subject area is.

You'll discover how to best measure and link your site to your other social media platforms and how to audit your site - and other people's, if you so wish - for irresistibility.

The course will take about a day or the equivalent, say 6-7 hours,to work through, and there are pieces of research homework en route.

You'll be building your website along with Jan, Lara and Matt, three different types of small business owner, with their own distinctive needs.

We'll work through:

  • Your goals - business and website
  • Design - what host to choose, your most important decision
  • Content - using formats to create content and content strategy quickly
  • Links - how your site sits within your social media and marketing world
  • Irresistibility Audit - key components to make your customers convert and revisit
Updated on 18 February, 2018
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