Course details
The Court of Appeal in its written decision on 20 January 2011 held that a site supervisor (then known as clerk of works) owes a duty of care to the developer or owner of project and is therefore directly liable for negligence. As reported, the said site supervisor was subsequently ordered to pay S$26.5 Million compensation.
This is a very significant development in law involving specifically RTOs & Res. In fact, the Court of Appeal itself had said that this appears to be the first time this role (site supervisor) has arisen for consideration in the Singapore courts. Therefore this decision is equally, very signicant to RTOs & REs as this is the highest court of Singapore which ruled that a site supervisor carrying out his work can be directly liable for losses! Hence it is important that all site supervisors should know about their duty of care and possible liability for damages as well as how to contain such risks of liability.
This course is timely and will be useful to REs & RTOs as well as Engineers and other Technical professionals with foreign qualifications, as well as to local graduates too, and others who wish to acquire an essential knowledge of &/or be updated on the law behind the duty of care and negligence.
It is even more beneficial in that the trainer in this course, who is an engineer-lawyer, has been involved in this case when it was first heard in the High Court, as he was the lawyer for one of the parties. The trainer will share the background of the case, the principles of law involved and suggested checklist and guidelines as to how to mitigate if not avoid such possible liabilites.
This particular module will discuss the background of this Court of Appeal case and its direct impact on site supervisors as well as their employers. The course will also provide participants with an up-to-date essential knowledge of Singapore’s laws on negligence and the common law duty of RTO & RE (as well as engineers and other technical professional s) which are relevant to the engineering building construction (ECB) industries and are faced by or connected with ECB projects.
All Site Supervisors, Resident Engineers (REs) and Resident Technical Officers (RTOs), engineers and also Site Managers & all Technical & Non-Technical Staff.
- Introduction, Source of Singapore Laws & Framework of the Singapore Legal System
- What are common law and the principles behind common law?
- An Overview of the law of negligence affecting site supervisors (REs & RTOs), engineers & technical professionals and their employers
- The possible direct liabilities of site supervisors (REs & RTOs), engineers & technical professionals and their employers.
- Suggested checklist and guidelines as to how to mitigate and if not avoid such possible liabilities
Course Location
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IES is well represented among the faculty members of the major engineering institutions of higher learning in Singapore. Through close collaboration with the local universities and polytechnics, IES organizes courses, seminars and talks for engineers and IES members to advance the continuous development of engineers. The Institution maintains close links with professional organizations of engineers regionally and throughout the world. These include organisations in Australia, China, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States. The Institution also represents Singapore in the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO) and the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) in promoting goodwill and fellowship among all engineers in ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific region.
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