- Duration: Flexible
Course details
One of the surest and best ways to improve yourself-esteem is to set a goal and then accomplish it and one of the most prevalentgoals today is the idea of running your own business from your home.
I have written this course to aid you in doing justthat by understanding social media and the web and how you can use thetechnology available today to launch and grow a successful business eitheronline or brick and mortar.
Anyone can pick a business name, assemble a simplewebsite and declare themselves a business owner, but to be successful requiresa few more steps and that is what you will gain from this course.
A lot has been and will continue to be written anddiscussed about social media and how best to utilize the features it offers tobenefit your business.
In writing and producing this course I haveendeavored to look at the whole process in a different way. Let meexplain:
In the first module you will learn the basics ofsocial media, why it works and how and why it will work to grow your business.
You will learn in the module on social mediaplatforms how best to use facebook, linkedin, twitter Instagram, pinterest,snapchat, google+ and youtube by customizing your message to fit each socialgroups interests.
As I laid this course out in a mindmap it becameclear that to get the most out of these 8 platforms some other marketingelements come into play.
Blogging is an integral part ofsocial media so I have included a module on blogging; how to set up a goodblogging website, how to appeal to your targeted audience and I even teach youhow to monetize your blog if that is going to be your intent, and I give youeven more information on how to make money from blogging in my downloadmaterial.
To write good content for yourblog requires and understanding of content writing, I have included a module onthat also.
In blogging and on most of thesocial media sites you will gain a more loyal following when you help them gainan understanding of your company and what it is all about rather than justpitching a product. That is called branding and I have included acomplete module on how to brand your company as well.
The greatest benefit that socialmedia provides for the marketer is the ability to segment the market so yourefforts and money won't be spent talking to the wrong audience.
To better understand whoyour target audience is requires spending time developing an avatar orpersona that best represents your ideal customer. In the module onavatars you will learn through the videos and hands on download how toconstruct an avatar and how to communicate with him or her or both.
We are discovering that in the 21st centurywhen it comes to marketing, content is king and the preferred method forcustomers to learn about your company and your product, in other words yourcontent, is through images and videos.
With this course you will findand enormous amount of downloads including an ebook to use as a ready referencefor most of the modules. Included in the downloads is a toolbook. I refer often to a list of links etc in each module. I havecompiled these various links and other references into a tool book for yourready reference.
When you have completed thiscourse you will have a greater understanding of how social media works forbusiness and how to use it to grow your business, plus the added bonus ofunderstanding branding, content writing and blogging. All areas you mustbe familiar with to thrive in the 21st century.
Updated on 07 November, 2017- Relationship Science International Open AcademyUSD 21
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