Udemy The Complete iOS Swift + Objective-C Developer Course™ Udemy
Price: AED 716
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

The main goal of this course is to teach you both the Swift programming language and the Objective-C programming language, as well as how to build wonderful iOS mobile apps.

This course is aimed at complete beginners, and by the end of this course, you'll be able to build your own iOS apps and even monetize them on the app store!

My name isMorteza Kordi, senior mobile app developer and Udemy instructor with over 50,000satisfied students.Ive designedThe Complete Android + Java Developer Course, The Complete Android + Kotlin Developer Course, The Complete C# + Visual Studio Developer Course and The Complete iOS Swift + Objective-C Developer Course.

Ill personally be answering any questions you might have and Ill be happy to provide links, resources andany help I can offer to help you learn the Swift programming language, the Objective-C programming language and how to build wonderful iOS apps.

During this course, you'll learn:

  • How to use theSwiftprogramming language

  • How to use theObjective-Cprogramming language

  • How to create amazingiOS apps

  • How toupload your appsto theApple Store

  • How tomonetizeyour iOS apps

Don't wait and join us now by clicking the BUY NOW button!

Updated on 14 November, 2018