Course details

Course Updated On October 19, 2014


You will NOT find a similar online course ELSEWHERE that teaches you the WOW of space: What is Space?, HOw Do We Go to Space?, and Why Do We Go To Space?

About this course:

  • Enriches your knowledge in all the THREE aspects of space, namely the WHAT, HOW and WHY of Space.
  • Ideal for Absolute Beginners, Laymen, School Students, Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Professionals, Space Enthusiasts and Educators.
  • Inspires you for an exciting career in the Space Sector.
  • Motivates you for a career change a career in the Space Sector.
  • Full lifetime access. No limits!
  • All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free.
  • Unconditional Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee - that's SpaceVarsity's promise of your success!

Already took a space course elsewhere? Most probably, you learned only one aspect of space. This course will help you learn all the aspects and get the big picture of the space sector.

You will learn:

  1. Where does space begin?
  2. A working definition of the Solar System
  3. How do we measure distances in the universe?
  4. The characteristics of our galaxy, The Milky Way
  5. The rationale and reasons for going to space
  6. Civil and military uses of space
  7. The requirements to be in orbit around a planet
  8. The steps involved in launching a satellite from Earth to orbit
  9. The government, private and NewSpace entities in the space sector
  10. The organizations and academia in the space sector

... and much, much more!

Take this awesome course brought to you by your friendly team at SpaceVarsity. You will never regret you did.

This course is now on introductory pricing. The price will increase soon. Don't delay if you are serious and really want to be ahead!

Click the "Take This Course" button, top right, now! Every hour you delay is costing you knowledge and money...

Team SpaceVarsity

Updated on 30 December, 2017

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