Course details

Everything You Need To Know About How Ebooks Work.

Learn about the digital publishing landscape and whether it's right for you. This mini-course includes the Why be Amplified, How Ebooks Work and The Ebook Ecosystem modules from the full Amplified Author course.

We understand that you may already know how to do certain tasks in the digital publishing chain and merely want to fill in the gaps in your knowledge. We don't want you to have to purchase information you already know to get to the stuff you don't! So if you only want to know how to create an ebook, you can with this mini-course!

Do you like the look of all three mini-courses?

Then why not purchase the full Amplified Author course? It's cheap and you get the full story.

Some advantages of the Amplified Author online

     You can access the content at anytime, anywhere in the world.

     Learning is self-directed at your own rate and in your own environment

     Content be broken into individual components, which allows you to design your own course from the available content

     Dramatically lower cost to participate than a physical workshop

     Content will be updated regularly

The workshops include both step-by-step video, audio and written components.

Updated on 30 December, 2017

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