Thai Writing III The Language Academy
Price: AED 1,076

    Course details

    Interested in reading Thai newspaper ? Or writing short letters or compositions in Thai ?

    This course is suitable for students who have studied at least 40 hours of Thai writing courses. Some of the themes discussed (read and write) in this course include Nature and Natural Phenomena, Civilization and Philosophy and General passages and translations.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About The Language Academy

    We conduct classes on most of the languages commonly spoken around this region, and our approach to foreign language teaching is structured, communicative and highly effective. In addition to courses in Asian languages, we offer courses in the more popular European languages such as French, German and Spanish, to cater to the growing demand for such languages. To develop linguistic mastery, we offer language courses at multiple levels of proficiency , from Basic Level to Advanced. Each level spans a few months. In this way, students find it easier to pick up foreign languages, and are able to quickly progress to higher levels of proficiency. See all The Language Academy courses
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