Power System Protection and Reliability AZTech Training & Consultancy
Price: AED 36,360

    Course details

    This comprehensive training course consists of two modules which can be booked as a 10-Day Training event, or as individual, 5-Day training courses.

    Module 1 - Power Quality and Reliability

    This AZTech training course in Dubai explores the topic of power quality and its effects on the reliability of the electrical ; Power quality is first precisely defined, because without a precise definition, measurements of baseline conditions and assessments of improvement are ; Then methods of evaluating reliability are ; After completing this course, you will have a thorough understanding of how power quality and reliability can be measured, and how changes made to the electrical system will affect these important properties.

    This AZTech training course will feature:
    • Basic terminology and definitions
    • Voltage sags and interruptions
    • Effects of fault clearing on voltage
    • Reliability indices
    • Transient overvoltages and arresters
    • Understanding and mitigating harmonics
    • Analysis of AC power and steady-state voltage regulation

    Module 2 - Power System Protection

    This AZTech training course in Dubai covers the fundamentals of protecting a power system against hazards posed by abnormal system conditions, such as short-circuit ; An overview of the protective devices available for application, both industrial and utility, is presented along with typical means of implementing these ; Both electromechanical and digital relays are ; Fuse selection and coordination is explored in ; Utility-specific protective devices, such as reclosers and sectionalizers, are presented, and utility-specific protection strategies, such as fuse-saving and fuse-blowing, are ; Workshops allow the delegates to apply techniques learned in the training course to realistic protection scenarios.

    This AZTech training course will feature:
    • Philosophy of protective relaying and protection strategies
    • Electromechanical relay operating principles and microprocessor implementations
    • Radial system protection - time-coordinated overcurrent protection
    • Instrument transformers
    • Differential and distance relays, including pilot protection
    Updated on 30 September, 2018

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    We are banking on the vast experience we have accumulated over the years to provide our Clients with a competitive edge through the provision of quality assured training and skills development courses.

    Our comprehensive portfolio of more than 500-skill building professional development courses and seminars cover a range of industry from Management, Technical to Strategy to Health, Safety & Security, we have it all from A-Z.

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