Technical Writing Skills SMF Centre for Corporate Learning
Price: AED 885

    Course details

    Written communication skills are vital at the work place. However, business writing is different from the English grammar, composition and literature taught in schools. When adults in the working world write business e-mails, they naturally draw on what they learnt in schools as well as on precedent office correspondence. But such writing tends to contain commercial language and what was learnt in school is often contrary to good business style. Business writing is in essence concise writing that is a blend of practical basics and skilled insight.


    By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

    1. Understand and avoid the common errors in technical writing
    2. Employ guided technical writing skills
    3. Acquire practice in writing technical reports
    4. Write clear and convincing reports
    5. Format their technical reports effectively


    1. Problems Faced by Technical Writers
    2. Ten Cs of Effective Technical writing
    3. Writing Concisely
    4. Guidelines for Better Writing
    5. 7PS of the Writing Process
    6. Effective Openings of Reports
    7. Effective Closings of Reports
    8. Format of Letters and Reports
    9. Organising Reports
    10. Problem Solving and Project Status Reports
    11. Proposal to Purchase and Incident/Accident Report
    12. Convincing Your Reader(s)
    13. How to make a heavy Technical Report more stimulating
    14. Editing Your Report
    15. Checklist of effective Technical Writing techniques
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About SMF Centre for Corporate Learning

    The Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF), formerly known as the Singapore Manufacturers' Association, was first established in 1932. Its main aim is to champion the Singapore manufacturing sector. With a membership of over 2,800 corporate members ranging from MNCs to SMEs, SMa carries out a myriad of activities to enhance the competitive edge of our members.

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