Team Building Skills International Training Institute
Price: USD 1,250
  • Duration: Upto 24 Hours
  • Timings: Part Time, Flexible

    Course details

    Team building is a philosophy of job design in which employees are viewed as members of interdependent teams instead of as individual workers. Team building (which is correctly spelled with two words)[citation needed] refers to a wide range of activities, presented to businesses, schools, sports teams, religious or nonprofit organizations designed for improving team performance. Team building is pursued via a variety of practices, and can range from simple bonding exercises to complex simulations and multi-day team building retreats designed to develop a team (including group assessment and group-dynamic games), usually falling somewhere in between. It generally sits within the theory and practice of organizational development, but can also be applied to sports teams, school groups, and other contexts. Team building is not to be confused with "team recreation" that consists of activities for teams that are strictly recreational. Team building can also be seen in day-to-day operations of an organization and team dynamic can be improved through successful leadership. Team building is said to have benefits of self-development, positive communication, leadership skills and the ability to work closely together as a team to solve problems.

    Work environments tend to focus on individuals and personal goals, with reward & recognition singling out the achievements of individual employees. Team building can also refer to the process of selecting or creating a team from scratch. Updated on 14 July, 2019

    Job titles this course is suitable for

    Employees , Manager , Supervisor

    About International Training Institute

    ITI is the response to the challenges of modern technology. Their goal is to offer affordable training of the highest quality to the IT industry, in addition to the computer assisted English language training, schooling and foreign languages.

    Whether you are looking to expand your current knowledge and skills in a particular IT field or you are at the start of a new and exciting career path, ITI have the right choice of programs to fit your training needs. From flexible scheduling and payment options to guided practice, they will do more than just train you. 

    Based on years of experience of its trainers, ITI is able to offer the best in creative training techniques for the IT professional.

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