Course details

Calling all teachers, leaders, and youth group facilitators! This series of lectures will allow you to learn steps to planning an effective and authentic unit of study that challenges students to develop their Critical Literacy skills. Throughout the lectures, you will be able to track the steps that we are learning through a model unit that I will share. I will share a variety of entry points in the unit where media, critical questions, differentiated instructional styles, and technology are integrated in lessons so that students can connect with the deeper understandings that we all want out students to acquire.

There are a series of lectures that include: videos, resources, links, and opportunities to share ideas, ask questions and revisit key concepts.

Why take this course? We as educators face the challenge each year of engaging our students in meaningful ways while delivering the curriculum. Throughout this unit, you will see clear evidence of both the delivery of curriculum as well as the various stages of that higher order thinking. Above all, you will see a level of collaboration and student engagement that would make any teacher proud, which is something that keeps me motivated to continue creating in my classroom.

Updated on 30 December, 2017

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