Course details

Teacher Training Outline

We provide a range of Teacher Training courses both here in Tralee or we can travel to your school or organisation. The following programmes are our current teacher training programmes, but if there is something else that you would like, do please ask.

1. Music, TV & Video in the classroom

2. Irish Culture & Technology in the classroom

3. Focus on Skills – Fluency & Communication

4. English Language & Culture


  • Pre-course preparation & individual needs analysis
  • All course materials
  • Small group tutorials
  • Class material development
  • Practical classroom activities & methodology
  • Task-based learning, Workshops, Swapshops, lectures & project work
  • Professional Profile development
  • Post-course follow-up and support
  • Access to online support
  • Host family accommodation
  • Access to school library & resources


Participants complete a pre-course online language test which will evaluate their language proficiency. They are also asked to complete a needs analysis form indicating their training objectives and indicate in which professional context the language and communication skills will be required. Participants are asked to describe a memorable teaching experience, both positive and negative. This information will allow our trainers to get an idea of the participants’ professional backgrounds and language level, and ascertain their needs. We pride ourselves in dealing with individuals so we would like to adjust our courses to suit each person


Our intention is to provide visiting teachers with a wide range of practical activities which they can use in the English language classroom to make English classes more appealing, practical and effective. In addition, the course will examine modern teaching methodology and techniques in the classroom and how to adapt and create materials for classroom use. Participants have the chance to voice their issues and opinions in our morning tutorial sessions. Additionally, participants will be given the opportunity to develop their own linguistic confidence and skills as well as their teaching skills in our teaching practice sessions.


Learning is experiential and involves both individual and group work, with practical feedback being given on participants’ communication styles and skills. Input will be provided in a variety of ways (including seminars and practical workshops, trainer summaries and demonstrations) that take account of the course participants’ different learning preferences and styles. Participants will be encouraged to share their own ideas and experience. Task-based learning, workshops, swapshops, lectures & project work combine to make this a highly dynamic course. Our morning tutorials are designed to ensure that all participants have the opportunity to discuss their goals and questions with their trainer, as well as being able to work on their personal language needs.


Every participant is asked to fill in the End of Course Questionnaire and give detailed feedback on every aspect of the course, including accommodation, the social programme and other services. The end-of-course evaluation session will ask teachers to reflect upon the value of the knowledge gained on the course and its usefulness to them. They will also be encouraged in this session to come up with an Action Plan for their own Professional Profile, and select activities which they would like to try out in their own classes.

Course participants will be encouraged to keep in contact for continuing reflection and communication about issues raised on the course and to share their experiences of using materials, methods and activities derived from the course. In addition, they will be provided with follow-up tasks to perform.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Celtic School of English

At Celtic School of English, they ENJOY English! they enjoy English language classes. they enjoy fun English language classes. they enjoy practical fun English language classes where everyone gets individual attention. This is Ytheir English language class. This is where you study English that you need for ytheir life, job or holiday.

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