TCF Exam Preparation French Faster
Price: Up to SGD 800
  • Duration: Up to 40 hours

Course details

The TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français) is a French language proficiency test for non-native speakers of French who wish to evaluate and have their level of proficiency certified for personal, professional or academic reasons.

The TCF is designed by the CIEP (Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogiques) and accredited by the French Ministry of Education. The TCF exam is a proof of proficiency in French language that is accepted by:

  • most prestigious universities both in France
  • + Read More

About French Faster

Frenchfaster team of online private tutors provide 'live' French lessons (in real-time) via skype 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to students all over the world. Frenchfaster guarantees learning french much faster than any other source. At freenchfaster the course's are much cheaper and they are online on a one-on-one skype session. Frenchfaster teaches French using English. Frenchfaster guarantees after 200 hours you will be at an advanced level of French.

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