Course details
Course Outlines:
- Introduction: supervisory personnel and responsibilities
- Supervision of berthing
- Pre-shift activitiesPre-shift briefing meetings
- Start-up of operations
- Supervision of LoLo discharge
- Supervision of LoLo loading
- Supervision of RoRo discharge and loading
- Shift handover
- Completion of ship operations.
Course Objectives:
This Unit is designed:
- To list the supervisory personnel involved in container ship discharge and loading operations and to describe their duties and responsibilities.
- To explain the pre-shift supervisory activities preparatory to starting ship operations.
- To explain the procedures and practices followed by ship and control room supervisors during container ship discharge and loading.
- To describe the supervision of completion of the ship operation and the de-briefing procedures following ship departure.
- |To improve the quality of supervision of the ship operation.
- To provide the knowledge and skills necessary to review critically current supervisory procedures and mechanisms.
About Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
- Diploma in Sea Cargo Management Trade-wings Institute of ManagementEGP 14,993
EGP 15,196Duration: 70 Hours - Logistics Management Course LineEGP 1,251
EGP 13,170Duration: Upto 4 Hours