Supervision in Early Childhood Forus Training - Mullingar
Price: Mullingar/Naas - 360
  • Duration: 5 to 8 Weeks

Course details

This course is intended for learners who wish to develop this knowledge and skills in the areas of leadership, supervision and or line management within the ECCE setting, along with a wide range of other concepts and practical information.

Course Description


This programme module aims to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to supervise others in providing child care and education in a range of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) contexts.

The Benefits to Learners of this Valuable Qualification

  • To facilitate the learner with opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to effectively supervise an early childhood education and care setting.
  • To introduce participants to good practice, equality and respect for diversity in early childhood education and care.
  • To facilitate learner with an opportunity to develop both a theoretical and practical understanding of supervisory management skills.
  • To develop organisational skills appropriate to their role.
  • To facilitate the learner to cultivate proficiencies in leading a childcare team.
  • To enable the learner to develop an appreciation of the importance of working in partnership with parents.


The requirements for entry to the Supervision in Early Childhood Care Level 6 Minor Award are, Leaving Certificate standard or equivalent qualifications or FETAC/QQI Level 4 Certificate and/or relevant life and work experiences.

Garda Vetting
Forus Training is registered with the Garda vetting Unit and is now in a position to offer students a Garda vetting service. There may be a delay in processing applications with the Garda Vetting Unit“ we advise you to complete the form on registration.


The following content will be covered in this course:

  • Evaluate the key concepts, principles and practice in leadership, supervision and or line management within the ECCE setting
  • Analyse the role and responsibilities of a supervisor in an ECCE setting and the key attributes and skills required, to include communication, time management, organisational skills and knowledge of current legislation and best practice guidelines
  • Explain the role of the supervisor in an ECCE setting in implementing best practice and in establishing, maintaining and continuously improving standards and quality
  • Select processes to motivate and support team members in achieving agreed actions
  • Develop strategies for overcoming barriers to effective supervision, to include recognition of common challenges and problems when working with individuals and teams, and identification of possible resolutions
  • Implement a range of organisational policies and procedures in an ECCE setting ensuring adherence to best practice and guidelines
  • Utilise a range of supervisory skills to supervise staff in an ECCE setting
  • Delegate and assign work and or tasks to others, monitoring progress and evaluating results


The assessment process includes a combination of module appropriate assessment procedures which will facilitate the assessment of learning outcomes of this course. These methods will include continuous assessment processes such as:
Assessment Format: Learner Record 100%

Learner Record – This course is assessed through completion of a number of activities and completion of a personal Learner Record which records your experience of supervision in a childcare context. This will cover planning of initiatives, making decisions, in addition to demonstrating your supervision and organisational skills. All work submitted must be your own work.
Grading: Pass 50% – 64% / Merit 65% – 79%/ Distinction 80% – 100%


FETAC/QQI “ Supervision in Early Childhood Care Level 6 Minor award
Awarded by – (QQI) Quality & Qualifications Ireland


On successful completion of this Supervision in Early Childhood Care course, the participant will have achieved one of eight modules which lead to a Major Award in Early Childhood Care & Education Level 6

Updated on 08 November, 2015
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