(Structured PhD) Applied Behaviour Analysis NUI Galway
Price: Non-EU: 13,250 p.a.

    Course details

    The Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Behaviour Analysis is a structured Ph.D programme of study. The qualification will provide graduates with high level research skills and competencies in the applications of behavioural analysis. The programme combines a PhD thesis with the taught academic components and supervised work experience of the existing Master of Science in Applied Behaviour Analysis programme. Students are assisted to design research that will make valuable contributions to the analysis. They conduct research that further advances an integrated, scientific understanding of the complexities of human behaviour. Students are encouraged and assisted to present their research at conferences and publish their research findings in peer-reviewed international journals.

    Entry requirements

    Applications are invited from candidates who hold an upper Second Class Honours (Grade 1) standard or higher in their primary degree (or equivalent). Evidence of motivation and proposed research will be taken into account in offering places on the programme.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

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    With over 17,000 students and more than 2,200 staff, NUI Galway has a distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence in the fields of arts, social science, and celtic studies; business, public policy and law; engineering and informatics; medicine, nursing and health sciences; and science.

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