Course details
TheStressed to Success program consists of 27 videos and 3 manuals(Information, Tools and Training, Upgrading Your Life, and theWorkbook and Journal) plus additional training aids. The programprovides very simple, yet very powerful tools, scientifically provento clear your mind, calm your nerves, relax your body, and stop yoursuffering quickly and easily no matter how stressful the situation. You learn what stress is, how it affects you, why you react tostressful situations the way you do. You also learn how powerful youare to change anything you want. The tools can be learn in only afew minutes and only require 30-60 seconds to perform. If youpractice the prescribed amount of time daily for an extended periodyou can stop your suffering automatically with a single thought.
TheStressedto Success program also guides you through simple life-enhancingupgrades intended to reduce the amount of stress you experience.
Videosare used to introduce and summarize the material for each lesson. You will be directed in which manual and where to get moreinformation to deepen your understanding of the concept. Training ofall tools and techniques are accomplished through the video andthrough descriptions and illustrations in your training manual.
Becauseeach human activity requires a very specific attentional focus thatmay not be developed while practicing the activity and compromisedwhen your under duress you are training how to direct your attentionproperly for the task at hand and how to reactivate it when stressrears its ugly head. No other program offers this kind of training. It will help you be more successful in anything you do no matter howdemanding or stressful the activity.
Finally,you will be directed to exercises in your Workbook and Journal tohelp identify what situations cause you stress and how it affects youphysically, attentionally, emotionally, behaviorally, andphysiologically. You will learn how stress affects can destroy yourhealth, interfere with your ability to preform daily tasks, andreduce your quality of life. You will monitor your progress in theJournal provided for your convenience.
Throughthe Stressed to Success program you will experience improvements inyour health, performance, and quality of life. You will experienceless stress and learn to respond to challenging and aversivesituations that are beneficial instead of destructive. Everythingyou need to know you already have. Let me show you how to Unleashthe Powers of Your Mind to live abundantly and stress-free.
TheStressed to Success program is intended for anyone who experiencesundue stress in their lives, athletes, performance artists, andbusiness professionals who want to perform better under duress, andstudents who do not perform up to their ability because of testanxiety.
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