Udemy Stress Management: Overwhelm & Workload Anxiety - SM206 Udemy
Price: USD 200

    Course details

    Published Last Month - 1,200 Students Enrolled Already!

    Instructed by an expert in Applied Positive Psychology, this course comes with lifetime access and seven-day a week tutor support. 

    Upon completion of the training students are awarded a certificate and post-education counseling.


    In under an hour you'll have learned techniques and lifestyle practices that will help you live better for a lifetime.  From time-tested strategies for gaining emotional control, to game-changer practices for putting an end to workload anxiety, your time spent in this course will pay dividends for years to come. 


    • The Zeigarnick Effect and how to proactively get more done with less stress
    • Parkinson's Law and how to leverage this practice to ward off worry and workload overwhelm
    • Proper breathing techniques to put you back in control in minutes
    • Mindset practices that prevent anxiety and lackluster performance
    • Much, much more....

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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