Course details
In this business and management course, you will develop a strong understanding of how firms compete by learning about important analytical approaches that underlie business strategy. This course will show you how a business views itself in its "totality" and in the context of its environment. The course will be taught from the perspective of a manager or chief executive officer (CEO). This course aims to equip you with a good understanding of: What managing a firm
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In this business and management course, you will develop a strong understanding of how firms compete by learning about important analytical approaches that underlie business strategy. This course will show you how a business views itself in its "totality" and in the context of its environment. The course will be taught from the perspective of a manager or chief executive officer (CEO). This course aims to equip you with a good understanding of: What managing a firm strategically implies? How one analyzes the industry in which a firm competes? How does a firm create competitive advantage? How does a firm sustain its competitive advantage?
Updated on 17 September, 2019 - Read Less