Strategic Human Resources Management Egyptian Banking Institute
Price: TBA

    Course details

    In this course, participants will learn the techniques to apply a strategic approach to HR management, and to analyze the external environment of an organization. They will understand how to visualize current and potential staff as their customers, to consider their needs and options. Participants will learn also the process to assess and develop staff performance, as well as establishing an overall human resources strategy of an organization.

    Course Objectives:

    • Describe the external environment of an organization
    • Illustrate human resources department customers
    • Describe the human resource staffing needs and options
    • Explain the value of performance management
    • Establish human resources strategy of an organization

    Course Outline:

    Module 1: The External Environment of an Organization

    • Introductions and a model for strategic human resources
    • Getting the global picture
    • Going from good to great: external factors and global perspectives

    Module 2: Understanding Human Resources Customers

    • Human resources stakeholders and their requirements

    Module 3: Understanding the Flow of People

    • Staffing needs and options
    • Core competencies
    • Recruitment strategies

    Module 4: Performance Management

    • The value of performance management
    • Delivering employee feedback
    • Assessing willingness to work
    • Coaching

    Module 5: Building Human Resources Strategy

    • Human resources trends and metrics
    • The four-step process of building human resources strategy
    • Developing human resources strategy

    Assessment Strategy:

    Participants will be assessed based on their interaction during sessions and their participation in group exercises

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

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