Course details
An integrated overview of the theory, processes and practices of modern strategic planning and management for the Company’s. Contemporary strategies, techniques and tactics will be explored through formal lectures and group presentations focusing on the application of theory and a customer orientation. This course is designed to provide a conceptual framework and develop conceptual skills that will help managers understand the role of strategic planning and management within the… + Read More
Course details
An integrated overview of the theory, processes and practices of modern strategic planning and management for the Company’s. Contemporary strategies, techniques and tactics will be explored through formal lectures and group presentations focusing on the application of theory and a customer orientation. This course is designed to provide a conceptual framework and develop conceptual skills that will help managers understand the role of strategic planning and management within the broader scope of organizational planning and decision-making.
Course Objectives:
- To develop an understanding of the relevance and importance of strategic planning and management to profit organizations.
- To define, analyze and discuss the key concepts required to apply an integrated approach to strategic planning and management.
- To refine and extend the student's analytical skills and technical vocabulary pertinent to the functions of strategic planning and management.
- To challenge, stimulate and guide rigorous discussion of the potential and limitations of applying strategic planning and management concepts to nonprofit organizational settings.
Target Audience:
All Managerial Levels
Course Outline:
- Preparing for the Strategic Planning Process
- Set the Parameters for the Strategic Planning Process
- Set the Parameters
- Preliminary Planning Phase
- How to Set the Parameters for the Strategic Planning Process
- Strategic Planning Committee
- How to Establish a Committee
- Gather Operational Data
- Initiating the Strategic Planning Process
- Develop a Mission Statement
- Core Competencies
- Mission Statement - Real Life Story
- Developing a Mission Statement - Assessment Activity
- Assess Internal and External Environments
- Environmental Scan
- How to Assess Internal/External Environments
- Performing SWOT Analysis
- How to Perform SWOT Analysis
- Performing SWOT Analysis - Assessment Activity
- Developing the Strategic Plan
- Prioritize What the Strategic Plan Will Address
- Set Goals and Objectives SMART Goals
- Hierarchy of Objectives
- Set Goals and Objectives - Assessment Activity
- Develop Strategy for Achieving Goals
- Draft the Strategic Plan
- Executing the Plan
- Assign Responsibility and Authority
- Accountability
- Strategic Alignment
- How to Assign Responsibility and Authority
- Establish a Monitoring System
Updated on 08 November, 2015 - Read LessAbout Generations Consulting & Training
Generations Is a fast growing company that provides pivotal business solutions, which empoTheyr our clients with the necessary tools to self-sustain themselves, and to cope with the rapid development of the Egyptian market.
They have a comprehensive understanding of the needs and challenges of the various Egyptian market segments and our business consultancy approach is custom-tailored to those needs and challenges.
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They have a team of highly qualified consultants and experienced technical and consulting professionals who understand the critical issues facing business today & who offer proven methods & comprehensive services that streamline process & reduce complexity of operations. More importantly our solutions are custom tailored to business, saving companies money and taking them to a new level of competitive advantage.
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