Course details


NYVS instructor Michael Rosenblum presents a comprehensive course on video storytelling for the beginner. This course will teach you how to find a compelling story, shoot it with great coverage of the topic, and put it together in an exciting and interesting way that audiences will love.

The course includes 23 individual lessons and exercises, all structured based on nearly two decades of experience teaching these methods all over the world. After going through this entire course, students will have the foundational skills to seek and craft compelling video stories.

Most people think that shooting a video or a film begins with acquiring a great deal of raw footage and then spending days, if not weeks, plowing through it, logging it, transcribing the material and finally writing a script and then editing it together.

Nothing could be further from the truth. We have created an entirely new way of approaching shooting, scripting, editing and storytelling that is fast, efficient and simple to do. This course will show you how anyone, following our rules, can great a great and compelling video every time.


"thank you micheal for teaching us video story telling basic. i really enjoyed my first lesson nyvs courses are better than some film schools .-abdiaziz

I finally found you. This NYVS is exactly what I have been wanting. Thank you! I have just sent in my exercise. I have a lot to learn. I make my money taking out teeth. I have hours of iditarod clips i want to work on. The FCP series is great. I lke your teaching style. Many Thanks!!


Wow! I am about to do my first work assignment and I am thrilled!-licamac

Deciding on a shot or how many shots has always been my problem. This really cleared things up for me; giving me the motivation to put my videos together nicely. THANKS, a bunch!!!-Kbyrd

This is the best tutorial I have ever seen! Awesome tutorial -NiuNiu

Updated on 30 December, 2017
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