Retail with Success Coach Startup Online Business T-shirt Retail with Success Coach
Price: AED 724
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Finally, Uncover How To Capitalise On The Hot T-Shirt Marketing Trend using These Simple Methods. You can start selling shirts in a few hours!

Follow along with me for a moment. You are watching your favourite hit TV Show, and in the middle of the show, one of the lead characters says a line that has you doubled over in laughter. It is one of the funniest lines you have ever heard.

After the show, you go online and put that silly TV show quote onto a t-shirt using a point-and-click web-based too.

Within a matter of minutes, you show your friends the new shirt you have up for sale. You then utilise social media to get the word out via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Your post about this shirt on your favourite TV shows Facebook fan page. In 10 minutes or so you setup a small test campaign using Facebook ads to this shirt.

You then go to bed.After waking up you look at your t-shirt website's account balance, and jump with excitement! During the night you sold 12 t-shirts! With a profit of $7.50 per shirt, you have pocketed an extra $90 while you were sleeping! This all happened within 10 hours of you getting this shirt out there!

After a week has passed sales are still flooding in! After awhile you realise you have sold 136 t-shirts in 7 days! That comes to a profit of $1,020! The best part is that after you set up the design and Facebook campaign you didn't have to do anything else. This was hands-free, passive income while you went about your daily business. The 136 shirts you sold were packaged and shipped straight to your customers. You didn't even have to touch or feel the shirts!

By leveraging new technologies, and taking swift action when you saw a trend this could be your story.
One of the biggest trends right now is people making money from selling t-shirts! This is your opportunity to cash in on this huge trend while it is still hot! T-shirt sales have always been a huge industry and market, and now with new websites popping up your ability to profit with them is even greater!

Make Money Sell T-Shirts You Love
Another cool part about this business model is that you can choose to only create shirts with sayings that you love! You don't have to sell t-shirts for things you don't like. Some people have made money selling shirts related to players on their favourite sports teams, their favourite TV shows, their professions, etc.

Even if you don't like a certain team, TV show, or political standing, but they give you a chance to make good money selling shirts you could do that! If you have a creative mind or know someone with a creative mind you can cash in on this venture! Updated on 20 July, 2017

Job roles this course is suitable for:

To help you become a business owner, learn how to setup your first t-shirt business online you can earn and where you can get more.

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