Udemy Starting Your First Wordpress Blog: From Idea to First Post Udemy
Price: AED 70

    Course details

    If you have always wondered how to create your own website, this course is for you. In under an hour, I will take you through the entire process to get your first WordPress blog up and running.

    We will start by narrowing down your ideas and deciding which one is going to be the topic of the blog. We will then determine your domain name, hosting site, and even install Wordpress once we have purchased your site. This will all lead to a brief overview of WordPress and doing things like: Installing a theme, editing your basics info, understanding the difference between a post and a page, and even publishing your first post!

    This course will not turn you into a experienced web designer, but it will help you get your first blog up and running in a snap.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015
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