Start Your Own Gift Basket Business ed2go
Price: USD 69
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Take your first step toward a career as a gift basket designer! This course will tell you everything you need to know about starting a gift basket business and running it successfully. First, you'll learn how to make gift baskets that stand out from everyone else's. You'll discover where to find foods, products, and supplies to make your baskets, and you'll find out how to set up your own design studio. In addition, you'll explore the requirements and guidelines for running a home-based business. You'll also get the inside story on finding customers and marketing your gift baskets online and offline. Next, you'll learn how to maximize your profits by pricing your gift baskets correctly. You'll also see how to collect payments involving cash, checks, and credit cards. After that, you'll investigate cost-effective ways to ship and deliver the gorgeous gift baskets you create. And of course, you'll want a Web site-so this course will teach you how to create an attractive, professional-looking site that entices customers to buy your baskets. In addition, you'll find out the sales secrets that most long-time designers won't reveal, such as standalone gift sales and drop shipping. Finally, and best of all, you'll follow step-by-step instructions to make your very first professionally-styled gift basket! By the end of this course, you'll be ready to start your own business as a gift basket designer-and you'll have the confidence you need to excel in this fun and profitable career. Updated on 15 March, 2018
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