Udemy Start-up financial modeling for non-finance professionals Udemy
Price: AED 73

    Course details

    This course is primarily aimed at start-up entrepreneurs with limited background in finance and accounting. As part of the course you will receive your copy of Feanut Financial Model - a tool that we developed to make it easy to prepare complex financial projections. Over this course you will learn how to use this model to prepare a professional financial plan, including the financial statements, financial ratio analysis, simplified business valuation and scenario analysis with the use of just a couple of input data that even a regular non-finance guy can understand so at the end of the course you will be able to prepare the finacial plan of your start-up business using our Feanut Financial Model.

    No specific finance or accounting background is required, and the course is not aimed at teaching you the details of accounting mechanics nor complexities of financial modeling in Excel. The course contains of almost 4 hours of video lectures and as part of the course you will also receive a 90-page model giude.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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