Spanish for toddlers (2-3yo) Las Lilas Spanish Language School
Price: AED 962

Course details

Our methodology revolves around the work by themes. Taking as starting point the closest and most relevant reality for the children, we have selected a series of themes of global and transcendental significance that provide the framework for exploration and learning.

Our classes incorporate techniques such as:

  • the practice in each session of the four linguistic skills: oral and written expression / comprehension,
  • the repetition of routines in the classroom with the purpose of encouraging the assimilation of the language,
  • the continuous interaction within the classroom, both between the students and with the teacher,
  • the use of attractive and motivating material, always in Spanish,
  • short sequences, changing frequently from activity to activity to keep the child’s interest,
  • the execution of projects on significant dates to bring Hispanic cultures closer to the child’s reality,
  • the continuous follow-up on the progress of the child to ensure the flexibility of the curricular program to adapt itself to the specific needs of each group,
  • and last but not least, playing, an essential element in their lives and key for them to learn enjoying themselves. It is key that our students associate learning Spanish with something enjoyable and entertaining, something they look forward to.

Our courses are addressed either to non-natives (students wishing to learn Spanish as a foreign language), or

Spanish native speakers who need to improve their language skills.

Experimentation and imitation are the most significant means of learning in this development stage. Furthermore, children at this age do not play with other children so our teacher plays individually with each of them. In order to bring Spanish closer to the youngest ones in a real and significant manner, we use the language together with gestures and we exploit experimental activities, songs, symbolic games and dramatized stories. On the other hand, we look after the continuity of themes and we try to follow always the same routines to promote and encourage the understanding and internalization of the language, given the fact that kids at this age are much less able to reproduce it than to understand it.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Las Lilas Spanish Language School

Las Lilas School, founded in July 2005, is the first and only school in Singapore to be exclusively focused on the teaching and spreading of the beautiful Spanish language and all the cultures that it comprises.

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