SPA The SPA Food Sector Specific Safety Passport Course British Safety Services
Price: GBP 363

    Course details

    At the heart of the SPA Safety Passport scheme is the core day, which involves training in seven key areas, to a level which everyone will understand. A delegate’s understanding is assessed by multiple-choice questions and achievement is rewarded by the issue of a credit card sized “Safety Passport”.

    Through liaison with employer associations, trade unions, National Training Organisations (NTOs) and other relevant bodies, IOSH/SPA has designed and developed additional training modules tailored to different work sectors. These additional modules enhance the awareness of workers to their own related industries.

    People who are in possession of a Client Contractor National Safety Group (ECITB/SCATS) safety passport gained within two years from the date of the IOSH/SPA examination will not be required to attend day one (core day).

    They will still be required to successfully complete day two. In such circumstances the CCNSG passport details must be enclosed with the candidate registration form and the passport itself brought in on day two of the SPA passport course for inspection and photocopying.

    Course Content

    The minimum course content is contained within the course training specification. The course takes two days to deliver, and includes a test at the end of each module. The course covers eleven modules: 

    Day One

    • Introduction to health and safety law, including safe systems of work 
    • Workplace safety including access/egress, emergencies, vehicles and equipment 
    • Fire Precautions and Procedures 
    • Accidents –prevention and reporting and First Aid Procedures 
    • Hazardous substances -COSHH and PPE 
    • Manual Handling 
    • Noise

    Day Two

    • Scope of the Food Industry 
    • Food Protection 
    • Environmental Protection 
    • Specific Food Sector health and safety problems

    A full colour course delegate handout is included in the price.

    Retraining is required every three years. Places on the one-day refresher course, for candidates with either a current passport about to expire or one which expired no more than three months before the refresher date, cost £60.00.


    At the end of each module, candidates must sit a 10 question multi-choice examination paper. Over the entire course they must achieve a minimum 80% in order to pass. In addition in each core module there are “key” questions which the candidate must answer correctly, failure to answer a key question will result in module failure. The papers are marked and the candidates informed of the result. Incorrect answers will be discussed with the candidate.

    Should a candidate fail a module they may re-sit the module exam (maximum 4 attempts).

    Candidates with dyslexia or any similar learning disability can be accommodated so long as the employer notifies BSS of any such problem at least two weeks prior to course commencement.

    Subject to successfully passing this test, British Safety Services (BSS) will issue a temporary credit card sized certificate (passport) upon course completion, and IOSH will issue a permanent passport within 15 days. The certificate is the property of the employee - not the contractor. The certificate contains the delegate’s name, expiry date of the passport (which is 3 years from the date of passing the test), and a card number.

    Updated on 22 June, 2016

    About British Safety Services

    BSS is one of the leading providers of health and safety training in the UK and across the globe.

    Since being the first NEBOSH accredited Training Provider to export the NEBOSH National General Certificate, NGC, outside the UK shores, (Muscat, Oman; 1993), BSS has gone on to score several other firsts;

    • First to present the NGC in the Sultanate of Oman
    • First to present the NEBOSH Award in Occupational Safety & Health in Algeria
    • First to present the NEBOSH Award in Occupational Safety & Health in Libya
    • First NEBOSH registered Centre in Algeria
    • First NEBOSH registered Centre in China
    • First NEBOSH registered Centre in Qatar for the International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety
    • First in Qatar to conduct the International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety, with 100% pass rate, of which 7% were distinctions, 57% credits and 36% base passes
    • First to Present the NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety in China.
    • First to offer the IOSH Supervising Safely, (which was written by BSS and donated to IOSH).
    • BSS was one of the trusted few chosen to pilot the NEBOSH International Construction Certificate in the UAE.
    • BSS are extremely proud of their exceptional results and pass rate with the NEBOSH National General Certificate.

    BSS is proud of their exciting development of services in the provision of Health, Safety, and Environmental, (HSE), training and consultancy. With 9 regional offices, UK, Qatar, Dubai, Yemen and China, with our two most recent offices now open in Algeria and Libya. BSS also has representative offices in Kuwait and Pakistan.

    Additionally, BSS is represented on various industry bodies, and has close links with both CIEH and NEBOSH. NEBOSH revision papers and guidance is available to existing clients via the “client log in” area.

    If you need support in health and safety training – in house within your organisation either in the UK or internationally, or need to attend one of our open courses please contact us.

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