Protec Africa ISO 14001:2015 EMS Introduction Protec Africa
Price: ZAR 2,850

Course details

The ISO 14001 Introduction training course enables you to comprehend the basic concepts of an Environmental Management System (EMS).
  • Introduction to Environmental Management System (EMS) concepts as required by ISO 14001
  • Importance and benefits of an ISO 14001:2015 EMS
  • Key requirements, terms and definitions of ISO 14001:2015
  • Structure of ISO 14001:2015 which incorporates the Annex SL common framework for management system standards
  • Main concepts such as process approach, Plan-
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Eligibility / Requirements

There are no pre-requisites for attending this course. We however advise delegates to read the ISO 14001:2015 EMS Standards prior to attending this course.

About Protec Africa

Protec Consulting is an accredited provider of Occupational Health, Safety & Management Systems training and consultancy services provider in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, New Zealand and Australia. Our aim is simple - to offer a high quality, practical service to clients; from individuals adding to their skill set through to staff from large businesses attending courses across the country. A trusted partner and resource of knowledge, our team is dedicated to helping you: from the very first telephone conversation through to course completion - and however else we can assist after this. 
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