Udemy Sos Italian - Learn Italian the next level (from A1 to A2) Udemy
Price: AED 73

    Course details

    Welcome to Sos Italian for elementary levels.

    • Do you love Italy and Italian?
    • Do you already have a basic knowlege of Italian?

    Then, it's time to bring your Italian to the next level with this course.

    What will you learn?

    You will learn to:

    1. Talk about your spare time
    2. Talk about your past, memories and habits
    3. Talk about the weather
    4. Talk about your future intentions
    5. Talk about your wishes

    How is this course structured?

    Units are made up of three sections:

    • A video explanation about grammar
    • An Interactive exercise
    • A complete didactic unit, specifically designed to help you hone your Italian reading and writing skills. This unit will allow you also to both strengthen your knowledge of the topics explained during the video lessons, and learn new vocabulary. The unit is in pdf form, so you can either complete it directly from your computer or print it.

    Moreover, in the last unit of this course you'll find four communicative tasks. These tasks are based on the topics explained during the lessons and will give you the chance to hone your Italian speaking skills.

    By the end of this course you will:

    • Have a better knowledge of Italian
    • Be able to communicate in Italian in a simple way
    • Understand elementary Italian sentences and frequently used expressions
    • Make comparisons
    • Talk about your past and your childhood
    • Talk about your wishes and future plans

    Are you ready? Let's start learning Italian!

    Updated on 21 December, 2016
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