Software Development Fetac / QQI Level 6 Castlebar College of Further Education
Price: EUR 350

    Course details

    This course gives students who have already achieved a FETAC / QQI Level 5 Certificate in Software Development, Computer Systems and Networks, or Certificate in an IT-related area the opportunity to further enhance their skills. There is a growing need and demand for qualified IT professionals. This course will give you the skill, knowledge and competence required in the software development and design sector.

    Typical Modules

    • Object Orientated Programming
    • Graphical User Interface Programming
    • Project Management
    • Software Architecture
    • Mathematics
    • Communications
    • Work Experience
    • Web Development
    • Games
    • Relational Databases

    Progression Opportunities

    For information on all relevant Higher Education links visit www. fetac ie, www and the websites of the relevant higher education institutions. It is advisable that applicants confirm linked awards, module requirements, applications processes and scoring systems with the Admissions Officer of the relevant Higher Education body.

    Career Opportunities

    Employment opportunities include working in software development, program design and development.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Castlebar College of Further Education

    This learning environment is cultivated by management and teaching staff of the College to encourage each student to develop to their full potential.

    We_They aims to be accessible to people of all ages and from all walks of life. Industry needs and the needs of the local community are very important in designing new courses and the College aims to have links with educational institutions providing further progression to 3rd level courses.

    In the 2014-2015 academic year we are offering an exciting range of established PLC programmes, as well as a number of new courses which should prove popular. All our courses are designed in response to market and employment demands and in consultation with local expertise.

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