Course details

The Master of Social Work (MSW) is a two-year full-time course that combines academic study with fieldwork placements. The MSW course is accredited by the Health and Social Care Professionals Council (CORU). When you finish this course you will have an academic qualification that will enable you to register as a social worker with regulatory bodies in Ireland (CORU) and internationally.

Course Details

You will take modules in social work theory, skills, social policy and topics specific to social work settings such as child and family welfare and mental health. When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

  • apply knowledge of social systems and human behaviour to promote social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment of people to enhance their well-being
  • critically examine and respond to the impact of social and political contexts on service users and social work
  • promote principles of social justice, human rights and anti-oppressive practice as intrinsic elements of social work practice
  • demonstrate core social work practice skills in the areas of: professional autonomy and accountability, interpersonal and professional relationships, effective communication, personal and professional development, provision of quality services, knowledge, understanding and skills
  • demonstrate knowledge of theory, legislation, policy, official inquiry reports and international conventions, and apply them to assessment and intervention planning in social work practice
  • illustrate an approach to learning that is self-directed, strengths-based and reflective. 

Detailed Entry Requirements

Admission to the Masters of Social Work (MSW) CKE64 is open to a limited number of students holding at least a Second Class Honours level in the BSocSc Degree (level 8) (or its equivalent) or graduates, who have successfully completed an approved conversion programme, i.e. the Higher Diploma in Social Policy (or its equivalent).

There is a selection process based on the following combined elements: academic performance and research capacity; certified social work related experience and initiative; knowledge of social work and motivation, commitment and suitability.


You will undertake a wide variety of academic and practice assessments. You are assessed through group projects, enquiry-based learning assignments, reflective portfolios and learning journals, essays, research presentations, and a minor dissertation.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About University College Cork

UCC was established in 1845 as one of three Queen’s Colleges - at Cork, Galway and Belfast. These new colleges theyre established in the reign of Queen Victoria, and named after her.

Queen's College, Cork (QCC) was established to provide access to higher education in the Irish province of Munster. Cork was chosen for the new college due to its place at the centre of transatlantic trade at the time and the presence of existing educational initiatives such as the Royal Cork Institution and a number of private medical schools.

The site chosen for the new college was dramatic and picturesque, on the edge of a limestone bluff overlooking the River Lee. It is associated with the educational activities of a local early Christian saint, Finbarr. It is believed that his monastery and school stood nearby, and his legend inspired UCC’s motto: ‘Where Finbarr Taught, let Munster Learn.’

On 7 November 1849, QCC opened its doors to a small group of students (only 115 students in that first session, 1849-1850) after a glittering inaugural ceremony in the Aula Maxima (Great Hall), which is still the symbolic and ceremonial heart of the University.

The limestone buildings of the Main Quadrangle (as it is now known) are built in a style inspired by the great universities of the Middle Ages, and theyre designed by the gifted architectural partnership of Thomas Deane and Benjamin Woodward. The iconic image of UCC, it is set in landscaped gardens and surrounds the green lawn known to all as the Quad.

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