Blended Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics Regional Language Center
Price: SGD 4,600
  • Duration: 10 Weeks

Course details

This module deals with the principles, design and procedures in the teaching of reading and writing in ESL/EFL situations as well as in a multimodal world. The integration of theory and classroom practice will be achieved via journal writing, sample lesson plans and micro-teaching sessions. Key reading theories and writing approaches will be explored and discussed vis-a-vis the course participants' teaching and learning contexts. There will be a special focus on helping participants to make the transition from the traditional print-based literacy to multimodal-based literacy (reading and viewing, writing and representing) involving more than one mode of conveying meaning - spoken, written, visual, gestural and spatial.

Learning Objectives

The Blended Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics is designed to enhance the theoretical understanding and practical teaching skills of English language professionals in the Asia-Pacific region who are interested in obtaining a postgraduate qualification in teaching ESL/EFL. The Diploma will benefit language lecturers, teachers and specialists in the region who have a first degree plus teaching experience. Course participants who complete this course successfully should be able to:

  • apply the  knowledge and  principles of linguistic study to practical language teaching in their own context;
  • discuss the main processes involved in second language acquisition and development;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the major approaches and methods that have influenced second language education.

Course Requirements

To complete the course, a course participant must:

  • obtain a pass in all modules.
  • satisfy face-to-face class attendance requirements.
  • satisfy online mandatory course requirements in terms of forum postings and quiz and assignment completion.

A course participant whose progress has not been satisfactory may be required to terminate her/his candidature.

Course Award

The course will lead to the award of Blended Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics.

Admission Requirements

Candidates must possess a Bachelor of Arts degree or other acceptable qualification in an area approved by RELC.  Consideration may be given to a mature candidate without this qualification who in the opinion of RELC will profit from the programme.

The candidate must have a sufficient command of English to follow advanced study conducted in the English Language and to prepare written and oral assignments. Those from non-English medium education systems must have a recent TOEFL score of at least 550 for the paper-based test, 213 for the computer-based test or 80 for the internet-based test. Alternatively, an IELTS result of 6.5 is required.

(If you are registering for the TOEFL test, please quote our code number 2042. Your official score report will be sent to us directly from Educational Testing Service.)

I.T Requirements

As this is an online course, participants must ensure that they have the following minimum requirements being they can use the LMS program:

** Internet Explorer (IE) 8.0 or Mozilla’s Firefox browsers**

*Desktop/Notebook PC(PC/NB) Technical Specification (minimum)

  • CPU -  Intel Core i3  (minimum)
  • Main memory – 2 GB (minimum)
  • Hard Disk – 320GB
  • Webcam

*Internet speed - minimum at least 1 MB/sec

*Software Specification

  • PC/NB* OS – Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP3
  • Web Browser – Windows Explorer 8 or later for PC/NB; Mozilla Firefox for PC/NB
  • Adobe Flash Player 11 or later
  • Adobe Shockwave Player 11.5 or later
  • Sun Java TM 6 Update 23 or later
  • Cookies (activated)
  • Microsoft Office (2003 upwards) or OpenOffice
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Regional Language Center

The main task of SEAMEO RELC is to assist in the development of language teacher education in the SEAMEO region, a region of rapid economic development that is fast integrating both politically and economically. SEAMEO RELC provides leadership in the development of expertise and excellence in the field of language education and promotes cooperation between and contact among language professionals in the region and beyond.

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