Course details

As a leader, you need to inspire and influence others to achieve important outcomes to bring about change. To do this, you must form strong, authentic relationships with those you lead and work with, in order to jointly effect fundamental change and achieve a shared purpose. This often translates to shining the spotlight light on others and not yourself. Similarly, leading with presence is not about personal power but about generously inspiring the best from others.

This workshop is designed for you if you want to foster change and spur achievement in others. You will develop skills to inspire confidence, command respect, build credibility and motivate others. The workshop will also help you to learn to be ‘in the moment’ and have an authentic presence in your interactions so you can engage in meaningful relationships.


By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify personal challenges to “being in the moment” and use strategies to counter them
  • Use the “Yes, and…” principle in conversation and relationships
  • Outline a range of leadership roles and identify a personal preference
  • Build empathetic relationships with others
  • Express yourself in ways that inspire and motivate others
  • Express your passionate purpose in compelling and congruent ways
  • Engage in a regular process of self-reflection
  • Articulate personal leadership values
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Civil Service College Singapore

The mission of the Civil Service College (CSC) Singapore is to develop people for a first-class Public Service. CSC was inaugurated as a statutory board under the Public Service pision, Prime Minister's Office.

As the public sector's core institution for training, learning, research and staff development, CSC provides officers from across the Public Service with opportunities to:

Learn and share knowledge

Network, dialogue and exchange views

Develop a service-wide ethos and shared perspectives

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