Traditional Chinese Massage (Chinese) Tcm And Healthcare College
Price: SGD 2,500
  • Duration: 6 Months

Course details

Course Modules:

1. Human Anatomy

Understand human skeletal and muscle to gain basis knowledge to learn massage and meridian. Since meridians cannot be seen by our naked eye, and everyone’s body build is different, we need the help of the bones and muscles to find the meridians and acupoints correctly.

2. Basic of TCM

Study human body internal organs, Yin-Yang and five elements, fine blood fluid contents. Study how the Yin-Yang and five elements are related to our internal organs and which internal organ is overworked or damaged when body appears certain symptoms.

3. TCM Meridian Studies

Understand the meridian theory, familiarise with the twelve meridians distributing throughout the body, connecting to various organs.

4. TCM Scrapping and Cupping

Learning of cupping and scraping. Cupping able to warm the flow of meridians, warm casual pathogenic cold, enable telangiectasia, local congestion, promoting blood circulation, opening sweat pores to enable pathogen to be expelled out. Scraping enable blood circulation, dredging meridians, recuperate organs and detoxification. Scraping and cupping is simple and effective, that able to rouse the body, regulating blood flow in the meridian, adjusting the internal organs function, attaining treatment purpose.

5. Authentic TCM Massage Techniques

Learning of various acute and chronic spine, limbs, joints, soft tissue, bone injury, and bone proliferative disorders. Namely, various sprain, dislocation, muscle strain, chest stitch, disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, arthritis, Periarthritis, fracture and so.

6. Massage Techniques for Common Illness

Learning massage techniques for some medical disorders such as headache, insomnia, epigastria pain, colds, coughs, asthma, colic, high blood pressure, angina, diabetes, constipation, paralysis and so on

Entry Requirement

  • Entry Requirment: Primary 3 or Equivalent
  • Mode of Delivery : Face to Face
  • Assessment / Examination : MCQ – 50% Pass, Practical – 50% Pass
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Tcm And Healthcare College

To be a front-runner and leader in the local and regional TCM training arena. By presenting quality deliverables to clients and bring upon a wide spectrum of healthy lifestyle in the fusion manner (modern scientific health knowledge coupled with traditional TCM culture). TCM aims to maximize human potential through quality imparting of integrated health knowledge and lead the TCM and Healthcare training industry with best practices and desirable outcomes; Continue to be creative and innovative in content offerings and deliveries.

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