Dynamic Media Relations Civil Service College Singapore
Price: SGD 518

    Course details

    The media is an important channel through which you can disseminate information of public interest to your various stakeholder groups. Knowing how to engage and work effectively with the media is thus an important aspect of corporate communication. You will have a better understanding of the symbiotic relationship between the government the media and gather practical insights into how the media in Singapore works. You can then better engage the media to develop a professional and effective relationship with them.


    • By the end of this course, you will be able to:
    • Have a better understanding of how the media in Singapore works
    • Know how to engage and work with the media
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Civil Service College Singapore

    The mission of the Civil Service College (CSC) Singapore is to develop people for a first-class Public Service. CSC was inaugurated as a statutory board under the Public Service pision, Prime Minister's Office.

    As the public sector's core institution for training, learning, research and staff development, CSC provides officers from across the Public Service with opportunities to:

    Learn and share knowledge

    Network, dialogue and exchange views

    Develop a service-wide ethos and shared perspectives

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