Course details

This course introduces you to the fundamentals of creating visual effects. It gives you an insight into how visual effects that you see in movies are made, and through hands-on exercises, learn the basic techniques that these effects are built upon. Beyond enabling you to appreciate the beauty and complexities of the visual effects creation process, it helps you to determine if it is the career path that you want to pursue.


  1. Applying Shaders for VFX
  2. Create Effect Rigs for VFX
  3. Particle Effects & Studies
  4. Element Creations (Fluid, Fire, Smoke, Debris)
  5. Camera Tracking
  6. Rotoscoping
  7. Matchmoving
  8. Color Correction
  9. Lighting for VFX
  10. Composite for Realism
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About CG Protégé

CG Protege Animation School started conducting WSQ accredited 

training programmes since 2008, and is officially invited by the 

Workforce Development Agency of Singaporeto set up the  first

WSQ professional advanced certificate in animation course.

Training is administered by a team of industry veterans and

trainers with animated TV series and animated feature experience

who have a successful track record in grooming production

ready graduates for the industry, conducted in a studio

based environment.

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