Course details

The program is for participants who achieve organisation, department and section goal and results through team effort that strongly demand application of 5S techniques in workplace.

Entry Requirement

Participants should be able to understand and speak English.

Award of Certificate

  • Successful students will be awarded: WSQ Statement of Attainment (SOA) by WDA.
  • Students must pass the assessment and attend 100% of the sessions.


Participants will learn the application techniques for:

  • SEIRI - Clear unnecessary items from work area
  • SEITON - Organise work area in an orderly manner
  • SEISO - Clean work area
  • SEIKESTU - Maintain work area cleanliness
  • SHITSUKE - Maintain self-discipline in work area

Elements in 5S program

  • Purpose and benefits of 5S program
  • How does it helps you and your Organisation to be effective
  • Basic principles of effective workplace organisation
  • Organisational health and safety guidelines relating to performing SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU and SHITSUKE

Teaching Methodologies

  • Lectures
  • Demonstration
  • Hands on activities on elements of competence
  • Group Discussions and Q&A

FORMATIVE Assessment

Participants will be assessed according to related WSQ Standard Assessment Plan.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Singapore Institute Of Materials Management

The primary objective of the Institute is to establish and to maintain a high standard of knowledge and excellence in the field of Logistics and Procurement. The secondary objective is to promote and foster the study, research and development on Logistics and Materials Management on all aspects from Purchasing and Supply Chain Management to applying latest E-commerce technology and practices to the field of Logistics and Purchasing.

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