Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (QCF)Introduction Boston Business School
Price: 18516 SGD
  • Duration: Up To 30 months

Course details

Pearson Education Limited is the UK's largest awarding body providing a wide range of qualifications including academic, vocational, occupational and specific programmes for employers.

Pearson is the worlds leading learning company with the aim is to help everyone progress in their lives through education. Pearson has been involved in education for over 150 years, and by working across 70 countries, in 100 languages, have built an international reputation for a commitment to high standards and raising achievement through innovation in education.

BTEC Higher National Diplomas (HND) provides programme of specialist vocational learning at Level 5, reflecting the needs of professional organisations. The qualification places a strong emphasis on developing practical, specialist knowledge and understanding. It is recognised internationally by employers and institutes of higher learning.

The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) code is known as a Qualification Number (QN). Each unit within a qualification will also have a QCF unit code. The QCF qualification and unit codes will appear on learners' final certification documentation.

The QN for the qualifications in this publication is: 500/8239/5 BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (QCF)

Course Objectives
- Equip individuals with knowledge, understanding and skills for success in a range of administrative and management positions in business
- Provide specialist routes of study which relate to individual professions within the business world in which learners are working or intend to seek employment
- Enable progression to an undergraduate degree or further professional qualification in business or a related area
- Support individuals employed or entering employment in the business field
- Develop the individual's ability in the business field through effective use and combination of the knowledge and skills gained in different parts of the programme

Syllabus Overview

Mandatory Units
Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business
Business Decision Making
Business Environment
Business Strategy
Managing Financial Resources and Decisions
Marketing Principles
Organisations and Behaviour
Research Project

Optionial Units (4 units must be completed)
Administrative Services
Business Events Management
Operations Management in Business
Project Management for Business
Small Business Enterprise

Specialist Units (4 units must be completed)
Units Pathway
- Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results
- Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information
- Personal and Professional Development
- Working with and Leading People
BTEC Level 5 HND
Diploma in Business (Management)
- Advertising and Promotion in Business
- Marketing Intelligence
- Marketing Planning
- Sales Planning and Operations
BTEC Level 5 HND
Diploma in Business (Marketing)
- Employee Relations
- Human Resource Management
- Human Resources Development
- Managing Human Resources
BTEC Level 5 HND
Diploma in Business (Human Resources)

BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (QCF) will be awarded if the student completes 8 Mandatory Units, 4 Optionial Units and any 4 Specialist Units.

Mode of Delivery
The programme is delivered through classroom lectures, group and individual assignments, case studies, in-class exercises and industry visits where appropriate.

Entry Requirements
To be eligible for admission to BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business, you must
- be at least 18 years old at the time of application
- meet the minimum academic qualification and English standard listed in table below:

Progression Route
- BTEC Level 3 qualification in Business or related Level 3 qualification or equivalent
- Higher Education Certificate awarded by an approved further education institution
Academic Route
- GCE A Level
Mature Candidate Route
21 years old and above and

- Minimum of 2 years relevan work experience or
- GCE O Level 3 passes (1 pass must be in English) or equivalent or
- GCE N Level 5 passes (1 pass must be in English) or equivalent
English Requirement
- IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Method

Unit Details



Unit Number: 1
Unit Title: Business Environment
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: Y/601/0546

Organisational purpose of business e.g. Structure, stakeholders and responsibilities;
Business Environment e.g. Economic systems, economy size, government policy;
Market environment, e.g. Market types and market forces;
Global factors affecting business activity.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 2
Unit Title: Managing Financial Resources and Decisions
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: H/601/0548

Sources of finance available for business including implications and choosing sources;
Finance as a resource in a business including financial planning and decision making, accounting for finance (financial statements);
Financial decisions e.g. Budgets, costing and pricing decisions, investment appraisal;
Evaluate the financial performance of a business including terminology and overview of financial statements.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 3
Unit Title: Organisations and Behaviour
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: H/601/0551

Organisational structure and culture;
Different approaches to management and leadership;
Motivational theories;
Developing teamwork.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 4
Unit Title: Marketing Principles
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: F/601/0556

Concept and process of marketing;
Concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning;
Marketing mix 7 Ps;
Use the marketing mix in different contexts.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 5
Unit Title: Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: Y/601/0563

Elements of a contract;
Apply the elements of a contract in a business situations;
Principles of liability in negligence in business activities and business situations
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 6
Unit Title: Business Decision Making
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: D/601/0578

Primary and secondary data sources and storage of data;
Techniques to analyse data;
Produce information in appropriate formats for decision making e.g. Graphs, spreadsheets, reports;
Use software-generated information to make decisions in an organisation e.g. management information systems,
Gantt and Pert charts and financial tools.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 7
Unit Title: Business Strategy
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: A/601/0796

Strategic planning process and techniques;
Formulate a new strategy;
Strategy evaluation and selection;
Implementing a chosen strategy.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 8
Unit Title: Research Project
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 20
Unit Code: K/601/0941

Formulate a research specification;
Implement the research project with agreed procedures and to specification including data collection, analysis and interpretation;
Evaluate research outcomes;
Present the research outcomes.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Specialist Units: Management Pathway

Unit Details



Unit Number: 13
Unit Title: Personal and Professional Development
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: T/601/0943

Understand how self-managed learning can enhance lifelong development;
Take responsibility for own personal and professional development;
Implement and continually review own personal and professional development plan;
Demonstrate acquired interpersonal and transferable skills including communication skills and time management.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 14
Unit Title: Working with and Leading People
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: M/601/0908

Recruitment, selection and retention procedures;
Leadership theories, models and styles of leadership;
Teamwork and development;
Assess the work and development needs of individuals.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 15
Unit Title: Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: J/601/0946

Importance of business processes in delivering outcomes based upon business goals and objectives;
Develop plans for own areas of responsibility and implement operational plans;
Monitor appropriate systems to improve organisational performance including quality systems;
Manage health and safety in the workplace including health and safety legislations and regulations and risk assessment.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 16
Unit Title: Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: L/601/0950

Assess information and knowledge needs including sources and types of information;
Create strategies to increase personal networking to widen involvement in the decision making process;
Develop communication processes;
Improve systems relating to information and knowledge.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Specialist Units: Marketing Pathway

Unit Details



Unit Number: 17
Unit Title: Marketing Intelligence
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: K/601/0955

Understandbuyer behaviour and the purchase decision making process;
Use marketing research techniques;
Assess market size and future demand;
Measure customer satisfaction.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 18
Unit Title: Advertising and Promotion in Business
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: J/601/1000

Scope of marketing communications including communication process, regulations of promotions, current trends and impact of ICT;
Role and importance of advertising including branding, creative aspects of advertising and working with advertising agencies;
Below-the-line techniques and how they are used;
Plan integrated promotional strategies including budget formulation, promotional plan and measuring campaign effectiveness.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 19
Unit Title: Marketing Planning
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: Y/601/1259

Compile marketing audits including assessment of capabilities, organisational auditing and external factors (PESTLE);
Main barriers to marketing planning;
Formulate a marketing plan for products or services including the strategic alternatives for new product development, pricing policy, distribution, communication mix and implementation of the marketing plans;
Ethical issues in marketing.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 20
Unit Title: Sales Planning and Operations Planning
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: Y/601/1261

The role of personal selling within the overall marketing strategy including buyer behaviour and the role of sales teams;
Principles of the selling process to a product or service;
Role and objective of sales management including HR functions related to sales staff and database management;
Plan sales activity for a product or service including international selling and exhibitions and trade fairs.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Specialist Units: Human Resource Management Pathway

Unit Details



Unit Number: 21
Unit Title: Human Resource Management
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: K/601/1264

The difference between personnel management and human resource management including legislation;
How to recruit employees;
How to reward employees in order to motivate and retain them;
Mechanisms for cessation of employment.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 22
Unit Title: Managing Human Resources
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: F/601/1268

Different perspectives of HRM,
Ways to develop flexibility within the workplace;
Impact of equal opportunities within the workplace;
Approaches to human resource practices in organisations including performance management, employee welfare, health and safety legislation and other issues.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 23
Unit Title: Human Resources Development
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: J/601/1269

Learning theories and learning styles;
Plan and design training and development including approaches and methods;
Evaluate a training event;
Government-led skills development initiatives (general and vocational training schemes in the UK).
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 24
Unit Title: Employee Relations
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: F/601/1271

Context of employee relations against a changing background including the role of trade unions and theoretical perspectives;
The nature of industrial conflict and its resolution;
Collective bargaining and negotiation processes;
Concept of employee participation and involvement including industrial democracy and employee participation and empowerment.
Course Work and Written Assignments

General Business Units

Unit Details



Unit Number: 34
Unit Title: Operations Management in Business
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: F/601/1092

Nature and importance of operational management including definition, business logic and system theory;
The link between operations management and strategic planning including the 3Es, the paradox and the five OM performance objectives;
How to organise a typical production process;
Apply relevant techniques to the production of an operational plan for a typical business.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 38
Unit Title: Business Events Management
Unit Level: 4
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: Y/601/1048

Plan an event or project;
Administer an event or project;
Organise teamwork when managing an event or project;
Use a range of business communication systems in managing the event or project.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 42
Unit Title: Project Management for Business
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: H/601/1036

Project management principles including success/failure criteria and project management systems;
Manage projects for human resources;
Apply project processes and procedures including project management plans, project organisation, scheduling, cost control and performance analysis.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 33
Unit Title: Small Business Enterprise
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: H/601/1098

Investigate the performance of a selected small business enterprise including business profile, measures of performance and business information;
Propose changes to improvemanagement and business performance including overcoming weaknesses, strengthening existing business, new opportunities and evaluation of management and personnel;
Revise business objectives and plans to incorporate proposed changes; examine the impact of chance management on the operation of the business.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Unit Number: 43
Unit Title: Administrative Services Enterprise
Unit Level: 5
Unit Credit: 15
Unit Code: L/601/1032

How different administrative services operate;
Review ways for developing specifications for administrative services;
Skills and knowledge required in the design and implementation of an administrative service;
Investigate the procedures necessary for the monitoring of the chosen administrative service.
Course Work and Written Assignments

Progression Opportunities
University Pathway
BTEC Higher Nationals are well recognised internationally the qualifications are currently delivered in 65 different countries.

As with most progression pathways to degrees, the entry point for a learner is at the discretion of the international higher education centre. In addition, the centre may have specific requirements around language levels, etc. that the learner will need to meet as part of the application process.

Over 100 universities worldwide recognise BTEC qualifications for progression so graduates can pursue a top-up final year degree with British, Australia and US universities. Find out more here.

Career Prospects
The BTEC Higher NationalDiploma in Business is a vocational qualification and so provides learners in Singapore with a range of skills and knowledge that can be readily applied in the workplace.

Students have to pass 16 units in order to be awarded the qualification. Assessments take place throughout the course at various points during each unit. Most assessments are assignment based and there is no examination. This allows students to demonstrate their understanding of topics as they progress through the course.

Each unit is delivered over a four week period. Students are required to submit assignments and work by the specific dates set, and will be penalized for late submission of work. Students will receive a time-table at the start of their course. Each successfully completed unit will be graded as a pass, merit or distinction. A pass is awarded for the achievement of all outcomes against the specific criteria given.

Graduation Criteria
You will receive one of the following upon successful completion of 16 units. Successful completion of all these units will ensure that students gain an understanding of business administration, which will provide them with enormous career opportunities for the future.

- BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (General) (QCF)
- BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (Human Resource Management) (QCF)
- BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (Management) (QCF)
- BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (Marketing) (QCF)

A pass is required for all modules. In order to achieve merit and distinction grades, students in Singapore and elsewhere must meet all the assessment criteria and the merit or distinction criteria specified.

How to Apply
Local students refer to Singapore Citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents and foreigners who hold a valid pass other than a Student Pass, for example, dependent pass, social visit pass, work pass, etc.

International students refer to foreigners who hold a valid Student Pass issued by Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

Step 1
Attend and acknowledge pre-course counseling service from BBS staff or authorised education agents.

Step 2
Copy of NRIC / Passport
Copies of all educational certificates and transcripts
Proof of English language proficiency
Proof of employment history (if any)
One passport-size photograph
Note: An official translation is required if documents are not in English
Step 3
It takes 2 to 7 working days to process your application.

If your application is successful, you will receive an Offer of Admission letter together with the following documents

Advisory Note to Students
Student Contract
Step 4
If you wish to accept the offer, you must complete, sign and send back 1 copy of the Advisory Note to Students and the Student Contract.

If we do not receive your completed and signed documents within the timeline stated in your Offer of Admission letter, it will be assumed that you do not wish to accept the offer and the offer will be deemed withdrawn.

Appeal Against Rejection
If your application is rejected, you can submit an appeal in writing to the Academic Manager/Principal within 7 working days from the date of rejection to have the outcome of your application reviewed by the Academic Board.

You will be notified about the outcome of your appeal within 7 working days from the date of appeal. The decision of the Academic Board is final. If your appeal is unsuccessful, we may recommend that you pursue an alternative course of study.

Student Pass
New Application for Student Pass
If you are an international student, you must apply for a Student Pass to study full-time in Boston Business School. You must submit your application to Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) through the Student Pass OnLine Application & Registration (SOLAR+) system at least two months prior to course commencement date. It takes about 4 to 6 weeks to know the outcome of your application. You are not required to be present in Singapore while your application is being considered. If approved, you would receive an in-principle approval letter (IPA) for Student Pass and a single-journey entry visa to enter and stay up to 30 days in Singapore.

To collect your Student Pass card, you must visit ICA and bring along the following documents:

In-principle approval letter from ICA
Embarkation/disembarkation card
SOLAR+ e-Forms
Medical report
Duly completed security bond form and a security deposit in the form of banker's guarantee
Renewal of Student Pass
If you require an extension of the Student Pass to continue the same course, you must submit a renewal application to ICA at least 2 weeks prior to the expiry of the current Student Pass.

Cancellation of Student Pass
You are required to surrender your Student Pass for cancellation within 7 working days from the date of cessation or termination of your study.

Important Notes to Student Pass Holders
International students must abide by the following rules and regulations under which the Student Pass is issued by ICA:

The Student Pass is issued to you for the purpose of studying in a particular course with BBS.
You must carry your Student Pass at all times.
It is the Schools responsibility to inform ICA if you fail to attend classes for a continuous period of 7 days or more without valid reason, or where your attendance falls below 90% in any month of the course without valid reason, or if you have completed the course or wish to terminate your studies with the School. ICA will cancel your Student Pass under any of the above mentioned circumstances.
You are strictly prohibited from working in Singapore, even if it does not involve any payment to you.
You must strictly observe all laws, rules and regulations of Singapore.
You cannot be adopted by any Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident while being a Student Pass holder.
You cannot be married to a Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident while being a Student Pass holder.
You are not allowed to overstay in Singapore after the Student Pass has expired, unless with written approval from ICA.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

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