Certificate in Psychology and Counselling The School Of Positive Psychology
Price: 2300 Part Time
  • Duration: 1 to 6 Months

Course details

Psychology is the scientific study of thought, emotion and behaviour. Psychologists examine the various aspects of human experience, such as human emotions, thoughts and actions. They apply their understanding of people in a variety of professions, including clinical, counselling, educational, organisational and academic settings.

Therefore, it is relevant to every aspect of human life in areas such as health, parenthood, education, business, and mental health. The key areas of psychology are developmental, social, cognitive biological and inpidual differences.


Students will gain an insight into the history of the field of psychology, explore major theories and research of prominent psychologists and researchers. Students will learn biological factors that infuence the inpidual, explore the brain and cognitive abilities that aid in sensation and perception and the various ways in which we learn. You will learn what is intelligence and the various psychometric tests available to test intelligence. Students will learn various personality theories and personality tests.

In psychotherapy, students will learn the fundamental theories and skills of counselling. They will be introduced to the various components of counselling such as questioning and responding skills. Students will understand the professionalism and ethical principles of being a therapist. Students will further learn the fundamentals of mental illness. 

Foundation Psychology

Foundation Psychology introduces the field of psychology as a scientific discipline concerned with the study of thought and human behaviour. How do people differ from one another? Does childhood development affect our adulthood? How does motivation play a part in reaching goals? Do we all think the same? This module tries to answer these questions and many others. It explores topics on the history of psychology, human development, mind and brain, perception, learning and motivation, personality, emotional behaviours, personality and intelligence.

Introduction to Psychotherapy and Counselling

Introduction to Psychotherapy and Counsellingintroduces the students to the fundamental theories of psychotherapy. The module looks at a number of theories such as the psychoanalytic theories of Freud, the humanistic approach and REBT to name a few. Students will be taught the fundamental skills of a therapist such as listening, attending and responding skills. Students will further learn questioning techniques to be able to interact with clients. This module will provide students with the understanding and applicability of psychotherapy and counselling to successfully implement this professionally and in other areas of development such as personal, life, relationships, workplace and family. 

Upon completion of the Certificate in Psychology and Counselling, students can advance to the Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology or Psychotherapy with 2 exemptions.

Mode of study

Lectures, class presentation, role plays and case studies

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About The School Of Positive Psychology

The School of Positive Psychology was established to promote the art, the science and practice of positive psychology in Asia. Apart from providing education and credentialing, we promote research, training, and the dissemination of positive psychology. This field has tremendous potential for cultivating meaningful, fulfilling lives, enhancing experiences of love, work and play. Positive psychology training encourages and teaches the three elements: positive emotions, positive individual traits and positive institutions.

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