Accident Analysis Using Event Causation Technique The Institution Of Engineers Singapore
Price: SGD 180
  • Duration: 4 Hours

Course details

This course aims to introduce valuable safety management lessons derived from major accident inquiries in Singapore. This is an important part of Singapore’s engineering history and, it is necessary to capture the lessons in the form of case studies so that they can be shared with current and future managers, engineers, supervisors, technicians and workers. The recently published book by Goh and Soon (2014) describes three major accidents in Singapore and their safety management lessons. This seminar will introduce some of the chapters from the book and extends the discussion further. The discussion will focus on incident analysis techniques, the Nicoll Highway collapse case study and discussion on topics such as design, organisational structure, culture, and major hazards monitoring.

The aim of the discussion is not on the legal and liabilities aspects of the major accident. Instead the focus is on learning from past the accident (based on the details in the Committee of Inquiry report) so as to improve safety management and prevent future major accidents. 

Course objectives:

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the Event Causation Technique and how it is applied in incident analysis
  • Understand the circumstances of the Nicoll Highway accident
  • Understand the warning signs of a deteriorating hazard monitoring system
  • Understand the importance of systems thinking concepts in accident prevention
  • Appreciate the need to adopt a risk management approach when dealing with design changes
  • Understand how structure, processes and culture can mould the behaviour and decisions of inpiduals 

For Whom

Professional Engineers, Safety professionals, Developer & Senior Management from Building and Construction Contractors, Resident Engineers and Resident Technical 

Officers that aspire to improve and enhance their Safety Management practices. 

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About The Institution Of Engineers Singapore

IES is well represented among the faculty members of the major engineering institutions of higher learning in Singapore. Through close collaboration with the local universities and polytechnics, IES organizes courses, seminars and talks for engineers and IES members to advance the continuous development of engineers. The Institution maintains close links with professional organizations of engineers regionally and throughout the world. These include organisations in Australia, China, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States. The Institution also represents Singapore in the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO) and the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) in promoting goodwill and fellowship among all engineers in ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific region.

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